Translation Glossaries from the Web

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Dictionary of digestive diseases. English monolingual

National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, National Institutes of Health |

Very useful and interesting. It also has an extensive list of topics about digestive diseases. For example: Cirrhosis of the Liver: * Causes * Symptoms * Complications of Cirrhosis * Diagnosis * Treatment If you are in "A to Z list of digestive diseases-Topics and Titles", you can find the Digestive Diseases Dict... View more

English (Monolingual)

2 links : one in French and the translation into English.

French (Monolingual)

Comprehensive lists of categories in English, including rare words: Sciences and Studies, Forms and Shapes, Carriages and Chariots, Divination and Fortune-Telling, Fabric and Cloth, Forms of Government, Grammatical Cases, Philosophical 'Isms', Colour Terms, Bearing and Carrying Terms, Adjectives of Relation, Ecclesiastical Terms, Feeding and Eating... View more

English (Monolingual)

The Genealogist's Resource for Interpreting Causes of Death. Antiquus Morbus is a collection of archaic medical terms and their old and modern definitions. The primary focus of this web site is to help decipher the Causes of Death found on Mortality Lists, Certificates of Death and Church Death Records from the 19th century and earlier. The inten... View more

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