Sur quoi les traducteurs travaillent actuellement

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Sur quel projet de traduction travaillez-vous en ce moment ?

K_E_B, publiant à partir de, a partagé :

30 summaries of Supreme Court of Canada decisions on aspects of administrative law (approx. 60K words) -- which isn't "general" law except to someone who thinks law is all about corporations and money...

administrative law, appellate courts


I Do That

  • français vers anglais
  • 60000 mots
  • Law (general)
  • 49% terminés
  • Travailler pour Canadian translation agency, for Canadian law firm
( modifié)
K_E_B, publiant à partir de, a partagé :

Completed with due dates so far in July 2021 (as of July 8): a family law application to the Ontario Superior Court; a consumer protection law decision of the Quebec Superior Court; various promotional bumph for a large law firm; updating of a translated 50-page/10K-word shareholders' agreement; proceedings of several parliamentary committees. (And yesterday, the second shot of Pfizer! Going by the reaction to the first one, and given the recent workload, I'm planning to need a couple of days off soon, in anticipation of the extreme fatigue that is likely to hit a few days hence.)

Consumer protection, Family law, Shareholder agreement, Parliamentary


I Do That

( modifié)