Learn to Write the Hebrew Script: Aleph Through the Looking Glass

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Posted by: Jonathan Orr-Stav

ISBN: 9780300113341
Author: Jonathan Orr-Stav
Edition: Paperback
Pages: 176
Pairs: English英语译成Ancient Hebrew古希伯来语, English英语译成Hebrew希伯来语
Broad fields: 社会科学
Specific fields: 考古学, 教育/教育学, 民间故事, 普通/谈话/问候/信函, 历史, 其它, 印刷与出版, 宗教, 旅游与旅行, 旅游与旅行
Publisher: Yale University Press
Price (approx.): $26.00


A new approach to mastering or teaching the Hebrew script to non-Hebrew speakers, drawing on the common heritage of Old Hebrew, Square Hebrew and the European alphabets. Good as a complementary text to standard textbooks for HSL students. Historical background, many illustrations, extensive examples for practice.