Powwow Report for Verenigd Koninkrijk - Sheffield (Apr 20 2019)

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ProZ.com users and members who attended
: organizer : photos : report : host
Clive Prestt
NG Translation
Camelia Colnic
Nigel Wheatley

Postings from ProZians who attended this event

Apr 24 '19  Clive Prestt: Powwow Sheffield Saturday 20/04/2019
Four of us met in a nice Romanian restaurant and enjoyed the good food and drink while discussing various translation issues such as:

- translating on the move using a laptop or somewhere else in the world

- how to get paid by late payers

- finding new clients

- the revision or your own translation and that of others

- the forthcoming ITI conference in Sheffield

Many thanks to Carmeglia for organising this cosy powwow.

Good luck to everyone,

Clive Prestt