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Off topic: 泰晤士(TIMES)四合院儿
Thread poster: QHE
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一定好好珍惜 Nov 8, 2018

ysun wrote:

QHE wrote:

孙先生的另一张佳作 - Maroon Bells 2016
ysun wrote: 《清粼粼的水来 蓝格莹莹的天》 Oct 1, 2016

前几天在 Aspen,CO 一带游览时,突然想起了这首经典歌曲。

谢谢!今年10月上旬,我们还上 New England 游览了一星期。那一段大多是阴天,不过我们玩得还是很开心。回想当年在 New Hampshire 居住的时候,也不知在忙些什么,居然连两小时以外的 Vermont 都没去过。这次补了课,但还是觉得没玩够。你可得珍惜啊!

孙先生终于补游了Vermont !

Vermont 的山可能不够高不够险,所以孙先生才会有没尽兴的感觉。

United States
Local time: 04:49
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CIIE Nov 8, 2018

David Shen wrote:

光看这个英文缩略 CIIE,谁知道它代表什么,甚至是有关那一方面都不知道,根本无从下手。所以说,英文中用缩略时必须有注明,至少文章开头注一次。DIY之类的词不加注,那是已经约定成俗的东西了。

确确实实如此!同样的英文首字母缩写在不同领域,甚至同一领域,代表的意思会千差万别。所以我觉得在 logo 中使用英文缩写更要特别小心。这个标示在 “进宝” 上的 CIIE,就有可能造成误解; Acronym Finder 链接中列出的那几个不同国家的机构,缩写均为 CIIE。

David Shen wrote:


“进宝” 是很贴切(与 “支付宝” 也搭伴儿 )。 我在看到这个熊猫形象时就想, “进博会” 是进口博览会,可大熊猫是进口国的特有物种,所以在上帖调侃地发问这熊猫 “进宝” 是从何方进的宝物。

David Shen
David Shen  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 01:49
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Panda Baby wants to import Nov 9, 2018

QHE wrote:
“进宝” 是很贴切(与 “支付宝” 也搭伴儿 )。 我在看到这个熊猫形象时就想, “进博会” 是进口博览会,可大熊猫是进口国的特有物种,所以在上帖调侃地发问这熊猫 “进宝” 是从何方进的宝物。


CIIE logo and mascot © CIIE

【沈氏吟草】 《保宝想进宝,信手拈来四叶草》





On the four-leaf clover 四叶草 and its symbolic meanings,here is more:

[Edited at 2018-11-09 18:01 GMT]

ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 03:49
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没尽兴的主要原因是时间太短 Nov 10, 2018

QHE wrote:

孙先生终于补游了Vermont !

Vermont 的山可能不够高不够险,所以孙先生才会有没尽兴的感觉。

Vermont 的山确实不高不够险。最高的才4,393 ft,还不到科罗拉多州 Mount Elbert (14,440 ft)的零头。不过,我们的主要目的是欣赏秋景,不是攀高峰。没尽兴的主要原因是时间太短,其次是对 Vermont 的情况不大熟,有些该去的重要景点,反而没去。另外天气也不太好。不过,留点遗憾也好。我打算明年或后年再飞一趟魁北克,然后再开车南下补游新英格兰。这次去最令我称心满意的是回了趟母校。

David Shen
David Shen  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 01:49
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Highlights of the CIIE EXPO according to Xinhua Nov 11, 2018

海纳百川 利达天下——首届中国国际进口博览会巡礼

2018-11-10 23:35:43 来源: 新华网

David Shen wrote:

I was right at lease on two accounts:

(Trying to learn how the CIIE Expo went. I am at about one third of the way through this exciting report, but I have to come back to finish it. Those of you who have high blood pressure, read at your own risk!)

[Edited at 2018-11-11 22:53 GMT]

Reading this require some energy, and I am done.
Talking about the style of writing, it could be a lot of fun.
If you were asked to translate this report,
You'd better wish the following you have had sung:

千 万 颗 红 心 在 激 励 地 跳 动,
千 万 张 笑 脸 迎 着 进 口 放。
我 们 忠 心 祝 愿 天 涯 海 角,

[Edited at 2018-11-11 22:58 GMT]

United States
Local time: 04:49
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如坠五里雾 Nov 12, 2018

David Shen wrote:

Reading this require some energy, and I am done.
Talking about the style of writing, it could be a lot of fun.


David Shen
David Shen  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 01:49
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Upon reading the news of discharge that just got started at the Jinsha River barrier lake Nov 15, 2018



水土自有性,尊重神不怪。... See more






Source: 网易
金沙江泄流进入丽江 当地有水文纪录以来最大洪灾

[Edited at 2018-11-15 06:23 GMT]

More on the Jinsha River and the reason I care about it.

“大江奔流”之经济篇 绿动·金沙 2018-07-20 18:55:36

The above video is an introduction to China's hydroelectric power plants along the Jinsha River. Dozens are planned, but this video focuses on four of the large ones: 溪洛渡、向家坝、乌东德、白鹤滩. The first two dams started generation a few years ago while the other two are still under construction. Among the four, the Xiluodu Hydro-power Plant (溪洛渡水电站), about 60 miles SW of the city of Yibin, is the most significant dam only second to the Three Gorges Dam. Its construction started in late 2005, and it went into operation in 2013.

The Jinsha River is a major tributary of the Yangtze. I was very much impressed by its natural beauty as well as its history ever since my visit to the upper reaches of the Jinsha in the spring of 2007, and have kept an interest in its current state of being. I have also written about that visit somewhere on this forum. In November of the same year, I read from a Chinese newspaper that the Jinsha River was intercepted for the first time ever in history(金沙江首次截流 2007.1108). Looking at the photographs of jubilation at the success of its interception by the Chinese workers and engineers on site with dozens of bulldozers next to the chocked stream of the river, I somehow felt a sense of sadness which is hard to describe. I am no expert in hydroelectric knowledge nor interest in how it works. Although this inspiring video is photographically well done, I just feel that it is not right for mankind to inflict such torts on nature in order to benefit ourselves.

[Edited at 2018-11-16 05:07 GMT]

United States
Local time: 04:49
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“Dam Rush” Nov 17, 2018

David Shen wrote:




... ...

金沙江全长2308千米。 全流域共计划开发25级电站:上游13级、中游8级,以及下游4级。总装机超过18000万千瓦,规模相当于4座三峡。

United States
Local time: 04:49
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Dongba Symbols Nov 17, 2018

The Last Hieroglyphic Language on Earth and an Ancient Culture Fighting to Survive
By April Holloway

The Dongba symbols are an ancient system of pictographic glyphs created by the founder of the Bön religious tradition of Tibet and used by the Naxi people in southern China. Historical records show that this unique script was used as early as the 7th century, during the early Tang Dynasty, however, research conducted last year showed that its origins may date back as f
... See more
The Last Hieroglyphic Language on Earth and an Ancient Culture Fighting to Survive
By April Holloway

The Dongba symbols are an ancient system of pictographic glyphs created by the founder of the Bön religious tradition of Tibet and used by the Naxi people in southern China. Historical records show that this unique script was used as early as the 7th century, during the early Tang Dynasty, however, research conducted last year showed that its origins may date back as far as 7,000 years ago . Incredibly, the Dongba symbols continue to be used by the elders of the Naxi people, making it the only hieroglyphic language still used in the world today.

The Naxi people lived in the beautiful mountain province of Yunnan (“south of the clouds”) for thousands of years, where they developed their own rich and enduring culture. Today, most of the 270,000 Naxi people in county of Lijiang where they retain many of their ancient traditions....

Naxi Manuscript Collection: Joseph F. Rock (1884-1962)
(Library of Congress)

David Shen
David Shen  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 01:49
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D & G is having DOG days in the winter Nov 21, 2018

【沈氏吟草】 《杜嘉班纳(D & G)之尴尬》

Dolce & Gabbana cancels Shanghai show after ad campaign and founder's Instagram DMs mocked Chinese culture Reported by Alexandra Ma 2 hrs ago

奢 侈 品 牌 正 热 门, 进 宝 放 笑 �
... See more
【沈氏吟草】 《杜嘉班纳(D & G)之尴尬》

Dolce & Gabbana cancels Shanghai show after ad campaign and founder's Instagram DMs mocked Chinese culture Reported by Alexandra Ma 2 hrs ago

奢 侈 品 牌 正 热 门, 进 宝 放 笑 脸 相 迎。
杜 嘉 班 纳 言 不 逊, 一 通 广 告 笑 华 人。
众 怒 难 犯 云 不 测, 只 好 取 消 上 海 行。
未 见 国 人 提 抗 议, 如 此 报 道 揽 视 听。

细 看 后 果 加 前 因, 又 见 八 国 新 联 军。
洋 货 柜 前 排 队 等, 巨 大 市 场 怎 瓜 分。
为 保 上 风 雇 枪 手, 枪 出 北 圻 之 东 京。
口 无 遮 拦 怪 米 兰, 路 易 轻 易 得 一 分。

杜嘉班纳上海时尚秀被取消 © 图源: Getty

QHE wrote:
估计 LVMH 家族的酩悦轩尼诗也在偷着乐:
喜马拉雅山脚下, 有他们的敖云酒庄;贺兰山边儿,有他们的夏桐(CHANDON)。

[Edited at 2018-11-21 18:27 GMT]

1. 杜嘉班纳公司
2. 北圻之东京 (Tonkin)

[Edited at 2018-11-21 19:12 GMT]

United States
Local time: 04:49
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Thanksgiving 2018 Nov 22, 2018

A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving

Thank You for Being a Friend - Andrew Gold

David Shen
United States
Local time: 04:49
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"Chop Waltz" Nov 24, 2018

Creative Uses for Chopsticks ...

Chopsticks - Sesame Street

“Chopsticks” - Liberace (Live at Carnegie Hall)

p.s. D&G 的时尚推广代理似乎低估了Chopsticks 的魔力,不然《起筷吃饭》不会策划得那么土不堪拾。

[Edited at 2018-11-24 16:51 GMT]

ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 03:49
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老天终于被救火的人们感动了! Nov 25, 2018

ysun wrote:

David Shen wrote:



Good News at Last from California Fire Fight

David Shen
David Shen  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 01:49
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Are you sure? Nov 25, 2018

ysun wrote:

ysun wrote:

David Shen wrote:



Good News at Last from California Fire Fight

May be its me. The first thing my boys said to me when I came down to spend Thanksgiving with them was: "Dad, you brought the rain from Seattle!"

It rained for the first time in many weeks the day I arrived in San Francisco, and I am still here! I may stay longer to help out, and the reason is simple. Seattle has two weeks of continuous rain for the next two weeks according to Accuweather

You are probably having snow now up in the Rocky Mountains, if I am correct.

Best wishes!

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