AUSIT Code of Ethics -DIY中文翻译(仅供参考交流) Thread poster: Peng Liu
| Peng Liu Australia Local time: 21:56 Chinese to English + ...
AUSIT (The Australian Institute of Interpreters and Translators
a) 行为和礼仪标准
i. 翻译传译员应始终彬彬有礼
Iii. 翻译传译员既要谦虚谨慎,又要态度明确,立场坚定。
Iv 翻译传译员有责任确保自己的工作条件有利于而不是妨碍沟通交流。
V 传�... See more AUSIT (The Australian Institute of Interpreters and Translators
a) 行为和礼仪标准
i. 翻译传译员应始终彬彬有礼
Iii. 翻译传译员既要谦虚谨慎,又要态度明确,立场坚定。
Iv 翻译传译员有责任确保自己的工作条件有利于而不是妨碍沟通交流。
V 传译员应鼓励发言人相互直接交流。
b) 诚实,正直和尊严
i 翻译传译员不得因个人或其它利益而影响工作或对工作产生偏见。
Ii 翻译传译员不得索取或接受好处费或其他利益。
Iii 翻译传译员不得对其客户施加影响。
Iv 翻译传译员应始终保持公正和独立性。
V 翻译传译员应如实披露任何可能的利益冲突。
c) 可靠性
i 翻译传译员应遵守约定时间和期限,如有紧急情况应及时通知客户。
Ii 翻译传译员对任何工作都应做良好的准备。
Iii 翻译传译员应完成所接受的工作。
d) 不良行为
e) 争议
i 翻译传译员应努力以合作、有建设性和专业的方式解决和同事之间的争议。
2. 保密
a) 信息共享
i 翻译传译工作中的信息须严格保密。
Ii 经客户同意,或法律要求,信息可以公开
iii 团队工作时,经客户同意,可能需要向其他团队成员透露有关信息,在此情况下,对保密性的要求对所有团队成员均有约束力。
Iv 翻译传译员在客户同其法定代理人咨询过程中获得信息根据不成文法对职业特权的规定受到保护。
V 未经客户同意,翻译传译员不得将工作分包给其他同事。
Vi 翻译后的文件始终属于客户的财产,不经客户同意,不得向第三方出示或透露其内容。
3. 职业能力
a) 资格和认证
i 翻译传译员只能接受自己能力范围内的工作
ii 接受翻译或传译工作即是对自己能力的默认,并形成合约(口头或书面)。
Iii 翻译传译员应向客户详细明确地说明自己获得NAATI认证的等级和语言种类。
Iv 如果客户有要求,翻译传译员应解释NAATI 认证和认可的区别。
b) 能力级别
c) 事前准备
d) 不同意见和重审
4. 公正客观
i 未经向客户完全披露,翻译传译员不得向客户建议任何同自己有个人或经济利益的公司、机构、物质、工艺或材料。
Ii 翻译传译员应如实披露任何利益冲突,包括为亲友的工作,以及会对其雇主有影响的工作。
Iii 对那些因个人信念或其他情况而难以保持公正客观性的工作,翻译传译员不应接受,或应从中退出。
b) 客观性
i 对任何翻译传译工作都应保持专业性的独立态度。
Ii 如果客观性受到威胁而无法保持,翻译传译员应退出工作。
c) 同公正性相关的责任
i 翻译传译员对客户所说所写不负责任
5. 准确性
a) 真实完整
i 传译员应准确完整地传达所讲的全部内容,以确保会议各方得到相同的机会。
Iii 如果所说或所写内容明显失实,翻译传译员也应如实准确翻译传译。
Iv 翻译传译员不应对工作进行任何更改,添加或删除。
b) 传达和理解中的不确定性
i 翻译传译员应及时承认并纠正工作中的错误。
Iii 如果一次传译内容过多,传译员应要求发言人暂停,随后示意继续。
c) 明确传达
i 传译员应确保发言能被所有在场者清楚地听到并理解。
Ii 为保证传译员清楚地理解客户的发言,双方可在工作开始前进行简短会谈。
d) 证明
6. 雇佣就业
a) 自由职业和机构雇佣
Ii 无论按照何种身份,翻译传译员都受AUSIT行为准则的约束。
Iii 如果行为准则和雇佣机构的政策相冲突,翻译传译员应遵守行为准则,如有需要,可退出工作。
i 翻译传译员可自定服务收费和条款。AUSIT可提供其会员收费范围的有关信息。
Ii 翻译传译员不应因向客户介绍推荐任何人、商业机构、物质、材料、工艺或服务而接受任何人、公司、企业或政府机构,包括其他翻译传译员的任何个人好处费、佣金或类似利益。
Iii 一般而言,翻译传译员不应接受协议之外的礼物和小费。如果在某些客户的文化中接受礼物是一种友好的表示且具有一定义务性,翻译传译员可酌情自主决定。
i 翻译传译员应为自己雇佣的助手或分包人员的工作对客户负责。
7. 专业发展
a) 保持技能
i 翻译传译员应不断重新评估自己的工作表现,以保持良好的工作标准。
Iii 翻译传译员应同自己所提供服务的语言文化保持密切联系和接触。
b) 培训和实践
i 翻译传译员应始终致力于提高自己的翻译传译技能。
8. 职业团结
a) 支持同事
i 翻译传译员应对这一职业的利益和同事给予支持,并在需要时相互提供帮助。
b) 信任和尊重
i 翻译传译应通过促进相互间的信任和尊重来推动加强职业的整体团结。
ii翻译传译员之间的任何不同意见应通过诚实尊重而不是诋毁的方式表达。 ▲ Collapse | | | pkchan United States Local time: 06:56 Member (2006) English to Chinese + ...
8. 职业团结
a) 支持同事
i 翻译传译员应对这一职业的利益和同事给予支持,并在需要时相互提供帮助。
b) 信任和尊重
i 翻译传译应通过促进相互间的信任和尊重来推动加强职业的整体团结。
ii翻译传译员之间的任何不同意见应通过诚实尊重而不是诋毁的方式表达。 | | | Peng Liu Australia Local time: 21:56 Chinese to English + ... TOPIC STARTER AUSIT Code of Ethiics | Jul 11, 2012 |
General Principles
1. Professional conduct
Interpreters and translators shall at all times act in accordance with the standards of conduct and
decorum appropriate to the aims of AUSIT, the national professional association of interpreters
and translators.
Interpreters and translators should:
• always be polite and courteous, unobtrusive, firm and dignified
• explain their role to clients, encouraging them to speak to each other directly
... See more General Principles
1. Professional conduct
Interpreters and translators shall at all times act in accordance with the standards of conduct and
decorum appropriate to the aims of AUSIT, the national professional association of interpreters
and translators.
Interpreters and translators should:
• always be polite and courteous, unobtrusive, firm and dignified
• explain their role to clients, encouraging them to speak to each other directly
• allow nothing to prejudice or influence their work, and disclose any possible conflict of
• decline gifts and tips (except token gifts customary in some cultures), explaining to
clients that accepting them could compromise their professional integrity
• ensure punctuality at all times (and if lateness is unavoidable, advise clients
• prepare appropriately for assignments and ensure they are completed
• refrain from unprofessional or dishonourable behaviour and refer any unresolved
disputes to the AUSIT Executive Committee and accept its decision.
2. Confidentiality
Interpreters and translators shall not disclose information acquired during the course of their
• Interpreters and translators may only disclose information with the permission of their
clients (or if the law requires disclosure).
• If other interpreters or translators are involved in the same assignment and require
briefing, this should be done after obtaining the clients' permission, and all are
obliged to maintain confidentiality.
• No work should be subcontracted to colleagues without clients' permission.
• Translated documents remain the client's property.
3. Competence
Interpreters and translators shall undertake only work which they are competent to perform in the
language areas for which they are "accredited" or "recognised" by NAATI.
• Acceptance of an assignment is a declaration of one's competence and constitutes a
contract. If, during an assignment, it becomes clear that the work is beyond the
interpreter's or translator's competence, they should inform clients immediately and
• Interpreters/translators must clearly specify their NAATI accreditation, level and
language direction, if necessary explaining its significance to clients.
• It is the interpreter's responsibility to ensure that working conditions facilitate
• If an interpreter or translator is asked to provide a second opinion or to review
alterations to the work of another practitioner, there should be final agreement
between all interpreters and translators concerned.
4. Impartiality
Interpreters and translators shall observe impartiality in all professional contracts.
• Professional detachment must be maintained at all times. If interpreters or translators
feel their objectivity is threatened, they should withdraw from the assignment.
• Practitioners should not recommend to clients anyone or anything in which they have
personal or financial interest. If for some reason they have to do so they must fully
disclose such interest - including assignments for relatives or friends, or which affect
their employers.
• They should not accept, or should withdraw from, assignments in which impartiality
may be risked because of personal beliefs or circumstances.
• Interpreters and translators are not responsible for what clients say or write.
• They should not voice or write an opinion on anything or anyone concerned with an
• If approached for service by all parties to a legal dispute, an interpreter or translator
shall offer to work for the first party making the request and notify all parties
5. Accuracy
Interpreters and translators shall take all reasonable care to be accurate.
They must:
• relay accurately and completely all that is said by all parties in a meeting - including
derogatory or vulgar remarks, non-verbal clues, and anything they know to be untrue
• not alter, add to or omit anything from the assigned work
• acknowledge and promptly rectify any interpreting or translation mistakes. If anything
is unclear, interpreters must ask for repetition, rephrasing or explanation. If
interpreters have lapses of memory which lead to inadequate interpreting, they
should inform the client, ask for a pause and signal when they are ready to continue.
• ensure speech is clearly heard and understood by all present. Where possible (and if
agreed to by all parties), interpreters may arrange a short general conversation with
clients beforehand to ensure clear understanding by all
• provide full evidence of NAATI accreditation or recognition if requested
6. Employment
Interpreters and translators shall be responsible for the quality of their work, whether employed as
freelance practitioners or by interpreting and translation agencies or other employers.
• AUSIT members may set their own rates and conditions in freelance assignments.
• They may not accept for personal gain any fees, favours or commissions from
anyone when making any recommendations to clients.
• Interpreters and translators are responsible for services to clients performed by
assistants or subcontracted employees. I&T practitioners employed by colleagues
must exercise the same diligence in performing their duties.
7. Professional development
Interpreters and translators shall continue to develop their professional knowledge and skills.
• They should constantly review and re-evaluate their work performance.
• They should maintain and enhance their skills by study and experience, and keep up
to date with relevant languages and cultures.
8. Professional solidarity
Interpreters and translators shall respect and support their fellow professionals.
They should:
• assist and further the interests of colleagues, refraining from comments injurious to
the reputation of a colleague
• promote and enhance the integrity of the profession through trust and mutual
respect. Differences of opinion should be expressed with candour and respect - not
by denigration -refraining from behaviour considered unprofessional by their peers. ▲ Collapse | | | Phil Hand China Local time: 19:56 Chinese to English
pkchan wrote:
不过,这里头有一个小问题:“不应作出有损于同事声誉的评论” 有时候针对校对稿或者QA过程中,我们不得不做客观的评论。其他行业好像比较少有我们这种两个人串性地做同一个任务,所以我们被要求做评价的次数比较高。 | | | To report site rules violations or get help, contact a site moderator: You can also contact site staff by submitting a support request » AUSIT Code of Ethics -DIY中文翻译(仅供参考交流) Trados Business Manager Lite | Create customer quotes and invoices from within Trados Studio
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