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Thread poster: Shiya Luo
nigerose  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:30
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分析 Jun 4, 2012

ysun wrote:

如果按你所说,”the starting current causing damage to the insulation of the motor” 是动名词短语,做reduce的宾语,那么 “reducing the mechanical torque damage to the unit” 又是什么短语、什么成分、修饰什么?


你修改后的句子除了改变了 "the motor" 的位置以外,与原来那第一句在本质上没有什么区别。既然你说”这可以减少启动电流造成电机绝缘损害“与原文“这可以减少启动电流对电机绝缘的损害”意思一样,根本没有违背原文的意思。但你最后却又说原来的第一句译文,”严格来说是错译“,岂非前后矛盾?

This can reduce damage to the motor insulation by the starting current and damage to the unit by mechanical impact torque.


[Edited at 2012-06-04 05:48 GMT]

我前面没有讨论 “reducing the mechanical torque damage to the unit” ,估计原译者是用分词短语表示结果,但在这里这样用是不合适的。



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Salmonella montevideo salmonellosis in laboratory mice: successful treatment of the disease by oral oxytetracycline. Simmons DJ, Simpson W. In an epidemic ...

ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 05:30
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继续分析 Jun 4, 2012

我前面没有讨论 “reducing the mechanical torque damage to the unit” ,估计原译者是用分词短语表示结果,但在这里这样用是不合适的。



”这可以减少启动电流造成电机绝缘损害“这句话,其意思是否与原文“这可以减少启动电流对电机绝缘的损害”意思一样? 就让其他同仁去判断吧!但我的理解是,这句话就等于“这可以减少启动电流、造成电机绝缘损害”,与原文的意思完全不一样。不知其他中国人怎么看?不知其他懂中文的外国人怎么看?

至于“reducing the mechanical torque damage to the unit”,它确实是分词短语。那么,为什么你不认为”causing damage to the insulation of the motor” 也是分词短语呢?我前面问你这个问题,就是希望你意识到,”the starting current causing damage to the insulation of the motor” 并不是动名词短语,你这种语法分析是说不通的。

至于你主张的 “This can reduce damage to the motor insulation by the starting current and damage to the unit by mechanical impact torque” 是否比校对者的译文好,也让其他同仁去判断吧。



[Edited at 2012-06-04 08:44 GMT]

Phil Hand
Phil Hand  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:30
Chinese to English
悲剧 Jun 4, 2012

ysun wrote:

据客户介绍,此文翻译者是一位 native English speaker with technical background,校稿者是一位 native Chinese speaker with Ph.D. in relevant field。但最后双方发生矛盾。翻译者说对方写的是中式英语,校稿者则说对方不懂专业。




Libin PhD
Libin PhD  Identity Verified
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非常赞成Phil的说法,少折腾,更和谐 Jun 4, 2012

Phil Hand wrote:

ysun wrote:

据客户介绍,此文翻译者是一位 native English speaker with technical background,校稿者是一位 native Chinese speaker with Ph.D. in relevant field。但最后双方发生矛盾。翻译者说对方写的是中式英语,校稿者则说对方不懂专业。




Phil上面的说法在我的心里产生了强烈的共鸣,我一般对客户所作的修改,如果不是真的错了,一律照单全收,免得麻烦。最近给客户翻译一篇视频的脚本,是一个公司的老总的致辞,交出去后,客户做了一些修改,我看看改动的地方多半是Preferential changes,就给翻译公司说,用客户修改后的版本就行了,结果翻译公司的PM说,有时候客户的“Correction”也可能是错的,要我仔细查看一下,邮件交换如下:

PM:Could you please review and evaluate/revise the changes that were made by the client’s China rep?

My reply:
I do not have any correction about the client's changes. They are mostly preferential changes. It is their documents and they can make preferential changes just fine. So you can use their version.

PM: The clients sometimes make mistakes in their “corrections” and since we are the final authority I like to make sure the changes are okay before we implement.

My reply:
It is okay. Let me give you a couple of examples;

"One billion company" was changed to one billion sales company. Sales is not in the original but I cannot say it is wrong to put that in but we as translator cannot do that as we are restricted by the original. The client can.

"I am excited to talk about a project" was changed to: I am glad to talk about a project. I cannot say that is wrong, either.

So they are mostly preferential changes that I do not have any objections.


另外,增译和减译是翻译上常用的技巧,有时候不做增减可能意思不太明确,或者不符合译入语的行文习惯,这里讨论的The starting current, 前面加电机应该是可以的,尤其是在starting current前面有定冠词The,已是特指,并无悬念。


jyuan_us  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 06:30
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最终客户改我的翻译让我提高了不少的收入 Jun 4, 2012



nigerose  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:30
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最后说明 Jun 4, 2012

ysun wrote:

我前面没有讨论 “reducing the mechanical torque damage to the unit” ,估计原译者是用分词短语表示结果,但在这里这样用是不合适的。



”这可以减少启动电流造成电机绝缘损害“这句话,其意思是否与原文“这可以减少启动电流对电机绝缘的损害”意思一样? 就让其他同仁去判断吧!但我的理解是,这句话就等于“这可以减少启动电流、造成电机绝缘损害”,与原文的意思完全不一样。不知其他中国人怎么看?不知其他懂中文的外国人怎么看?

至于“reducing the mechanical torque damage to the unit”,它确实是分词短语。那么,为什么你不认为”causing damage to the insulation of the motor” 也是分词短语呢?我前面问你这个问题,就是希望你意识到,”the starting current causing damage to the insulation of the motor” 并不是动名词短语,你这种语法分析是说不通的。

至于你主张的 “This can reduce damage to the motor insulation by the starting current and damage to the unit by mechanical impact torque” 是否比校对者的译文好,也让其他同仁去判断吧。



[Edited at 2012-06-04 08:44 GMT]


我可以明确地告诉你,”the starting current causing damage to the insulation of the motor” 就是动名词短语,具体地说,是带逻辑主语的动名词短语。更规范的写法应该是”the starting current's causing damage to the insulation of the motor” ,但”the starting current causing damage to the insulation of the motor” 也是可以的。建议复习英语语法书,比如张道真《实用英语语法》(最新版)第317页。


[修改时间: 2012-06-04 11:31 GMT]

wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 05:30
Chinese to English
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Better translations Jun 4, 2012

Libin PhD wrote:


另外,增译和减译是翻译上常用的技巧,有时候不做增减可能意思不太明确,或者不符合译入语的行文习惯,这里讨论的The starting current, 前面加电机应该是可以的,尤其是在starting current前面有定冠词The,已是特指,并无悬念。

I agree with what Dr. Li said here. The two different languages have different ways of expressing things. So it's hard to say that the direct translation of the native English speaking-person was completely wrong. Of course, I agree with Yueyin and everyone else that the translation of the native Chinese speaker conveyed the authors' intentional meaning better.

I think that is because what the original Chinese meant by "reducing the damage" really referred to "reducing the damaging effects" to the insulation of the motor windings. Sometimes the Chinese way of expressing things is not very precise, even in scientific journals and engineering documentation. The native English speaker probably didn't take that into account, followed the syntax of the original Chinese sentence too closely, and came up with an English sentence that is very ambiguous and almost substandard. To a reader, his sentence almost begs the question: Is it the "extent" of damage, "frequency" of damage, or "possibility" of damage that the innovation reduces?

IMO, instead of resist and argue, the translator should have accepted the change.

Very interesting and beneficial discussion, BTW.

[Edited at 2012-06-05 04:44 GMT]

ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 05:30
English to Chinese
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the law of diminishing returns Jun 4, 2012

nigerose wrote:


我可以明确地告诉你,”the starting current causing damage to the insulation of the motor” 就是动名词短语,具体地说,是带逻辑主语的动名词短语。更规范的写法应该是”the starting current's causing damage to the insulation of the motor” ,但”the starting current causing damage to the insulation of the motor” 也是可以的。建议复习英语语法书,比如张道真《实用英语语法》(最新版)第317页。


[修改时间: 2012-06-04 11:31 GMT]


我想悄悄地但明确地告诉你,”the starting current causing damage to the insulation of the motor” 不是动名词短语,”causing damage to the insulation of the motor” 是现在分词短语,原译者企图以此分词短语作为 “the starting current” 的后置定语,但实际上它却成了修饰谓语 reduce 的状语,表示主语的另一个动作。原译文之所以错,其根源就在于此。我没有你那本张道真《实用英语语法》(最新版),但我建议你去复习复习其中的现在分词部分。

至于“战略投资者”那句话,你的译文中确实没有“唯利是图”的字眼,但别忘了,你是以此为由来支持你用 Despite 的主张。你那句话中的 Despite 根本就用得不合适,但我当时没那么多闲时间,就懒得参与了。

如果以实用主义的手法来进行辩论,那么,the law of diminishing returns takes effect。

[Edited at 2012-06-04 17:13 GMT]

ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 05:30
English to Chinese
+ ...
谢谢两位的意见 Jun 4, 2012

Libin PhD wrote:

另外,增译和减译是翻译上常用的技巧,有时候不做增减可能意思不太明确,或者不符合译入语的行文习惯,这里讨论的The starting current, 前面加电机应该是可以的,尤其是在starting current前面有定冠词The,已是特指,并无悬念。


wherestip wrote:

IMO, the translator should have accepted the change instead of resist and argue.

Very interesting and beneficial discussion, BTW.



ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 05:30
English to Chinese
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分析原因 Jun 4, 2012

Phil Hand wrote:




这种情况确实很常见。其中很可能有两个主要原因。一是译者为了自己的面子而拒绝校稿者的哪怕是正确的意见。自己的译文被改得“全国山河一片红”,当然面子上不好看。虽然翻译社的 PM 看不懂,但他完全可以看出热闹来。所以,有些人即使明明知道自己错了,却还要硬挺下去。当然,也不排斥由于其水平低而看不出自己的错,才不肯接受别人的意见。二是译者怕自己的饭碗从此就被校稿者夺走。

Libin PhD
Libin PhD  Identity Verified
Chinese to English
+ ...
It is helpful to all Jun 4, 2012

wherestip wrote:

IMO, instead of resist and argue, the translator should have accepted the change.

Very interesting and beneficial discussion, BTW.

[Edited at 2012-06-04 18:37 GMT]

Hi Steve,

Thank you for your comments. Yes. Discussion like this is helpful to all.

Libin PhD
Libin PhD  Identity Verified
Chinese to English
+ ...
会常来的 Jun 4, 2012

ysun wrote:

Libin PhD wrote:

另外,增译和减译是翻译上常用的技巧,有时候不做增减可能意思不太明确,或者不符合译入语的行文习惯,这里讨论的The starting current, 前面加电机应该是可以的,尤其是在starting current前面有定冠词The,已是特指,并无悬念。


wherestip wrote:

IMO, the translator should have accepted the change instead of resist and argue.

Very interesting and beneficial discussion, BTW.




nigerose  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:30
Chinese to English
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呵呵 Jun 5, 2012

ysun wrote:

nigerose wrote:


我可以明确地告诉你,”the starting current causing damage to the insulation of the motor” 就是动名词短语,具体地说,是带逻辑主语的动名词短语。更规范的写法应该是”the starting current's causing damage to the insulation of the motor” ,但”the starting current causing damage to the insulation of the motor” 也是可以的。建议复习英语语法书,比如张道真《实用英语语法》(最新版)第317页。


[修改时间: 2012-06-04 11:31 GMT]


我想悄悄地但明确地告诉你,”the starting current causing damage to the insulation of the motor” 不是动名词短语,”causing damage to the insulation of the motor” 是现在分词短语,原译者企图以此分词短语作为 “the starting current” 的后置定语,但实际上它却成了修饰谓语 reduce 的状语,表示主语的另一个动作。原译文之所以错,其根源就在于此。我没有你那本张道真《实用英语语法》(最新版),但我建议你去复习复习其中的现在分词部分。

至于“战略投资者”那句话,你的译文中确实没有“唯利是图”的字眼,但别忘了,你是以此为由来支持你用 Despite 的主张。你那句话中的 Despite 根本就用得不合适,但我当时没那么多闲时间,就懒得参与了。

如果以实用主义的手法来进行辩论,那么,the law of diminishing returns takes effect。

[Edited at 2012-06-04 17:13 GMT]

我知道你为什么说”causing damage to the insulation of the motor” 是现在分词短语了,因为你对原译者的英文句子也是不联系上下文而是断章取义地来理解(尽管原译者的第二分句没有译好)。当然,原译者本该更规范地写成”the starting current‘s causing damage to the insulation of the motor”,就漏写了“’s”,把你迷惑了。呵呵。

ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 05:30
English to Chinese
+ ...
哈哈 Jun 5, 2012

nigerose wrote:

我知道你为什么说”causing damage to the insulation of the motor” 是现在分词短语了,因为你对原译者的英文句子也是不联系上下文而是断章取义地来理解(尽管原译者的第二分句没有译好)。当然,原译者本该更规范地写成”the starting current‘s causing damage to the insulation of the motor”,就漏写了“’s”,把你迷惑了。呵呵。

原译者的英文句子根本就是错的,上下文根本就是相互矛盾的,就跟 “吾盾之坚,物莫能陷也。吾矛之利,于物无不陷也” 那句话一样。试问,如何联系它的上下文?原译者的英文句子不是什么复合句,哪来什么“第二分句”。如果你指的是后面的 “reducing the mechanical torque damage to the unit”, 那么原译者英文句子的前半段就更没有译好,这里只有你一个人在为它辩护,说它“在语法上说得通”,还说什么“如果再直译回中文,可以是:”这可以减少启动电流造成电机绝缘损害“,与原文“这可以减少启动电流对电机绝缘的损害”意思一样,根本没有违背原文的意思。”

另外,原译者英文句子里写的是 “the starting current” 而不是 “the starting current’s”,根本就不是什么漏写了“’s”,你就不要为了满足你的需要而瞎改了。请你回忆一下你自己刚在上面所说的话:“原文没说的不要说(译),原文说了的不要漏说(漏译)。”

“causing damage to the insulation of the motor” 本来就是现在分词短语,就跟后面的 “reducing the mechanical torque damage to the unit” 一样,只不过原译者用得不对罢了。建议你再去看看你那本张道真《实用英语语法》(最新版),尤其是如何用现在分词短语做状语那部分。

wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 05:30
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撇开语法不说 Jun 5, 2012

好了,我们不要争语法了。 实际上,Yueyin 说得很对。 原译者对中文的理解确实有出入。 虽然翻出的英文句子与原中文句子字对字对应,但他并没有抓住中文作者的本义。 不仅如此,他写出的英文句子不够明确,英文读者不一定明白究竟何所指。

说句笑:也许原译过于追求跟随原文,没有经过消化,不知不觉中写出了 Englinese. (An Englishman's version of Chinglish).

Okay, it's a bad joke.

[Edited at 2012-06-05 03:38 GMT]

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