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English to Chinese: Decode Your Cat’s Behavior [解讀您貓咪的行為:解釋貓的十七種行為]
General field: Science
Detailed field: Livestock / Animal Husbandry
Source text - English
Decode Your Cat’s Behavior: 17 Cat Behaviors Explained

Wish you had a secret decoder that explained strange cat behavior? We're breaking down a feline's most confounding actions.

What is normal cat behavior?

Kids may say the darndest things, but it’s felines that really throw us for a loop with their odd cat behavior! From kneading on soft blankets to knocking things off tables to scratching our brand-new furniture, they tend to induce an equal amount of “awws!” and “oh no’s!” This cat behavior guide breaks down all the above and more, so keep reading. You’ll also want to read up on why cats love boxes, why cats hate water, and why cats purr. Also, check out this guide to cat body language to see what your feline is trying to tell you.

1. Purring

Purring is something that pretty much every single cat does, but interestingly we know less about why cats make this noise compared with other noises they’re famous for (like hissing or chirping). The reality is that purring has many different meanings.

“Cats often purr when they’re feeling relaxed, but they may also purr to self-soothe if they are feeling stressed or are injured,” says JoAnna Pendergrass, DVM, a veterinarian based in Atlanta. “When kittens are born, mama cats purr, creating a vibration to guide kittens to mom’s nipple to nurse. Cats will also purr to socialize with other cats and communicate with their owners that they want something.”

2. Showing its belly

Here’s an all-too-familiar scenario: Your sweet Max stretches out and shows off his fuzzy belly, which makes you want to reach out and give him a little pat or affectionate scritch. Only this is met with a rescinded offer—perhaps even a batting of the paw or a light bite. Strange cat behavior, indeed!

“When cats expose their bellies to us, they are saying they trust us. But when we take them up on this ‘offer’ by rubbing their bellies, they may retract it with a bite or a scratch, as it was only meant as a form of communication,” explains Sam Meisler, DVM, a veterinarian and founder of PetWellClinic.

If you establish even more trust you may be able to go in for the pets without reprimand, but be gentle and keep in mind this is a physical expression of trust more than it is an invitation. You may not recognize these subtle ways that your cat is showing affection.

3. Wagging its tail

When a cat “wags” its tail, it’s not the same joyful response you get with a happy dog wag. In fact, it may mean the opposite.

“A cat tail wag can be more of a warning,” notes Evelyn Kass, DVM, a veterinarian with Pet Nutrition Doctor. “The tail wag is a sign of heightened excitement, annoyance, or frustration. The thrashing tail generally means ‘stop what you are doing or I am going to get angry and might bite you.'” She adds that when the tip of the tail is wagging, it is often a sign your cat is ready to pounce on their favorite toy, or perhaps on your leg.

4. Napping

You might have noticed that your cat loves napping and seemingly sleeps all the time. “Generally, this trait has developed as an evolutionary advantage so that they can conserve energy for hunting. Of course, the domestic cat does not need to hunt, however the genetics are still there,” explains Dr. Meisler. “And they do like to sleep in warm areas. Keep in mind that a cat’s basal temperature is higher than ours by at least a couple of degrees.” That helps explains why they like to soak up the sun or sleep on warm surfaces, like your laptop.

5. Chirping

In addition to purring and meowing, another common cat noise is chirping. You might find your cat chirping as it stares out the window from the perch at a bird or when it greets a fellow feline. A cat’s chirp tends to mean one of two things: Its hunting instincts are activated as it spies a bird, bug, mouse, or toy. Likely this type of chirping is accompanied by its tail twitching back and forth and dilated pupils. Or, a cat may also chirp when it’s excited to see someone, be it a fellow cat…or you. Figure out why your cat stares at you.

6. Rising early

In addition to being active at dusk, cats are also known for getting the zoomies at dawn. This is probably a time when get a little more sleep before your alarm goes off, but this cat behavior comes naturally, and your feline doesn’t care what time your alarm is set for.

If you’re serious about curbing those early wake-up calls, start by installing blackout shades or blinds in your bedroom the sun won’t rouse your cat. Then, stick to strict feeding times: once in the morning (but not right after you rise because then they’ll associate you getting out of bed with getting fed) and once shortly before you go to bed (to delay their hunger).

7. Knocking things over

If you’ve spent any amount of time with a cat, you’ve likely seen them bat at something on a table until it falls off. Maybe it’s a drinking glass or perhaps it’s your phone. Though somewhat hilarious—and perhaps maddening—this is perfectly normal cat behavior. Dr. Kass says there are many theories about this, which include everything from boredom to attention-seeking to hunting to simply being playful.

“Cats are naturally curious, and while dogs explore their environment with their mouths, cats are more likely to explore by touching and pushing an object with their paws,” says Dr. Kass. “They respond to the outcomes too. If something rolls, it may become prey ‘running away’ and they will chase. If you suddenly stop what you’re doing to run to your cat, there is a reward that can be tested over and over and over again.”

8. Scratching furniture

Just like you clip and file your nails so they don’t interfere with typing or other daily activities, cats must maintain their claws. Scratching—which is a deeply ingrained behavior in cats—is one way they do so.

There are also some other explanations as to why cats scratch. One is that they’re marking their territory. Cats have scent glands on their paws, and releasing the odor essentially allows them to “mark” objects as their own. Other reasons include releasing energy or excitement, and simply because scratching is fun and feels good.

The best solution to keeping your cat from scratching your furniture is to give them something even better to scratch on, like a pad or cat tower. Rub it with a little catnip and give them a treat whenever they use it to encourage the behavior. You can also invest in some cat-proof furniture that actually withstands all the scratching.

9. Licking you

Another cat behavior you may have noticed is your pet licking you with its rough tongue. They do this for a few reasons, notes Dr. Pendergrass.

“A cat will lick their humans to show care and affection. When your cat licks you, they are creating a special social bond with you,” she says. “This licking behavior stems from kittenhood, when a mama cat licks her kittens to groom and show affection.”

10. Licking itself

Along with licking you, cats tend to lick themselves—a lot! This is because they’re self-cleaning creatures, and their grooming habits are quite impressive. Cats are born with the essential grooming tools: paws, a rough, barbed tongue, and saliva. This means you don’t need to worry about routine baths and grooming in the same way you do for a dog. Only in rare cases do cats need a bath. If you find yourself in that predicament, here’s how to do it without getting scratched.

11. Bringing dead animals (or toys)

You’re sitting there minding your own business, and here comes your kitty making all sorts of weird noises and carrying an object in her mouth. If you’re lucky, it’s one of her favorite toys, but cats are also known to bring their humans dead bugs, rodents, and birds.

“Your cat may bring you a prey item—such as a toy or mouse—presenting it to you as a gift,” says Dr. Meisler. “This is your cat saying you are part of their pack and they want to make sure you are well fed.”

Other reasons they do this could include trying to return the feeding favor for keeping their kibble bowls full, imitating what their mama cats did for them, or giving you their catch so that you can store it for later.

12. Meowing

Scientists have identified more than a dozen different meows that cats make, each with its own meaning. In general, kittens use meows to communicate with their moms, but grown cats employ them solely to communicate with humans. Cats also use hisses, growls, squeals, and other sounds to talk to each other. More perceptive owners can probably tell a cat’s “I’m hungry” meow from its “I’m bored,” or discern “I’m hurt” from “I’m scared.”

Some cat breeds are chattier than others, but if your cat goes from not-that-frequent to frequent talking, it could be a sign that something’s off. A vet visit can help you figure out the issue.

13. Chewing cords

Cats are playful creatures, and they’re especially drawn to things like ribbon, string, and cords. It’s not that they’re trying to be destructive or dangerous—it’s just that the cords are so accessible. Stow away the ones you’re not using, and cover the remainder in cord covers (you can find these at pet stores). You can also try applying bitter apple spray on cords, but dab it on sparingly, since consuming too much of the essential oils in it can make cats sick.

If your cat persists in chewing cords even after you apply the bitter apple, take him or her to the vet to rule out any dental problems.

14. Going outside the litterbox

Cats actually prefer using litter boxes and are wired from kittenhood to “cover” their pee and poop, so when they do go outside the litter box, it’s a sign that something isn’t quite right. It may be tempting to learn how to stop your cat from peeing on the carpet altogether, but the problem will continue to persist if the underlying causes are not looked at.

It could be something as simple as them not liking the location of the box or the type of litter you use. Or they may prefer it to be cleaner (just as we prefer to use a clean bathroom).

Sometimes, a cat going outside the litter box signals a medical issue, such as a urinary tract infection (UTI). Your veterinarian can take a sample of their urine to determine if there’s an issue that needs to be addressed. Behavioral issues are another common reason cats don’t use the litter box. This might be the result of feeling territorial with other cats or not being as mentally/physically stimulated as they’d prefer.

15. Kneading

Cat kneading goes by so many names: making biscuits, playing the piano, mashing potatoes, sleepy marching. However you refer to it, this cat behavior is downright adorable! There’s a reason cats do this, and it’s not just to be extra cute.

“This behavior is all about love and comfort,” Dr. Pendergrass says. For example, a cat will knead its owner to show affection, or knead a blanket to create that perfect comfy spot to settle in for a nap. Kneading is also a self-soothing behavior for anxious kitties.

16. Eating grass

You feed your cat all the yummy kibble in the world, so what’s up with it eating grass? The truth is that we don’t understand it completely (the same goes for dogs eating grass), but experts have some theories. One is that they’re doing it to soothe their tummy, which can help with gastrointestinal upset or even help them with hairballs. It could also be a way for them to get certain nutrients they don’t have in their diet, or simply because it’s a tasty snack.

17. Rubbing

This is one of those cat behaviors that every cat parent has seen a million times but perhaps isn’t quite sure what it means. Cats often rub against objects in your home, but they’ll also rub against you. What does this mean?

They’re marking their territory, Dr. Kass says, and that includes you. “Cats have scent glands on their face that deposit unique identifying odors on the object they rub against. When they rub against you they are affirming that you are part of their family.” How cute is that?
Translation - Chinese




1. 呼嚕聲


「貓咪在感到輕鬆時,常常會發出呼嚕聲,但如果牠們感到壓力或受傷,也可能會發出呼嚕聲來自我安撫,」亞特蘭大獸醫博士喬安娜・潘德葛萊斯(JoAnna Pendergrass)醫生說道。「小貓咪出生時,貓媽媽會發出呼嚕聲,產生一種振動來引導小貓咪找到媽媽的乳頭進行哺乳。貓咪還會發出呼嚕聲來與其牠貓咪社交,並與主人溝通,表達自己的需求。」

2. 袒露肚子

這是個再熟悉不過的場景:您可愛的馬克斯伸展著四肢,袒露牠毛茸茸的肚子,這讓您想伸手去輕拍牠或溫柔地撫摸牠。然而,您這樣的舉動卻會遭到拒絕 — 甚至有可能會被貓掌拍打或是被牠輕咬。貓的行為真是奇特!

「當貓咪對我們袒露肚子時,牠們是在表達對我們的信任。但當我們透過搓揉牠們的肚子來接受這份『邀請』時,牠們有可能會用輕咬或抓撓的方式收回這份信任,因為這僅僅是一種溝通的形式,」獸醫博士暨PetWellClinic創始人山姆・梅斯勒(Sam Meisler)醫生解釋道。


3. 搖動尾巴


「貓咪搖動尾巴比較像是一種警告,」擁有寵物營養博士學位的獸醫師依芙琳・凱斯(Evelyn Kass)指出。「搖動尾巴是極度興奮、煩惱或沮喪的表徵。劇烈地甩動尾巴通常意味著『停止你正在做的事,否則我要生氣了,而且可能會咬你』。」她補充道,當尾巴尖擺動時,往往意味著您的貓咪準備跳向牠們最愛的玩具,或者可能是您腿上。

4. 打盹


5. 貓鳴聲


6. 早起



7. 打翻物品

如果您曾花過一段時間和貓咪相處,那麼您就可能見識過牠們拍打桌上的物品,直到它掉下來。它也許是個玻璃杯,又或許是您的手機。雖然有些好笑 — 甚或令人惱火 — 但這是非常正常的貓咪行為。凱斯醫生說,關於此一行為有許多理論,包括從覺得無聊、尋求關注、捕獵本能,再到只是覺得好玩而已。


8. 抓撓家俱

就像您修剪、銼磨指甲以免影響打字或其它日常活動一樣,貓咪也須保養自己的爪子。抓撓 — 是貓咪根深蒂固的行為 — 是牠們保養爪子的一種方式。



9. 貓咪舔您



10. 舔舐自己

除了舔您,貓咪還喜歡舔自己 — 經常!這是因為牠們是那種會自我清潔的生物,而且牠們的梳理習慣極為令人印象深刻。貓咪與生俱來就帶有基本的梳理工具:貓爪掌、粗糙且有倒刺的舌頭、以及唾液。這意味著您不用像對狗狗那樣地擔心貓咪的日常沐浴及梳理。貓咪只有在少數情況下才需洗澡。如果您遇到了自己需幫貓咪洗澡的情境,這裡有避免被抓傷的方法。

11. 叼著死去的動物(或玩具)


「您的貓咪可能會為您叼來獵物 — 諸如玩具或老鼠 — 將其作為禮物送給您,」梅斯勒醫生說道。「這是您的貓咪在說您是牠們的一分子,牠們想要確保您吃得足夠好。」


12. 喵喵聲



13. 啃咬電線

貓咪是很愛嬉戲的生物,牠們尤其會被緞帶、細繩及電線這類物品吸引。這並非因為牠們在試圖造成破壞或引發危險 — 只是因為這些電線太容易觸手可及。將那些您沒在使用的電線收藏好,並將其它使用中的電線用保護套包覆起來(您可在寵物店裡找到)。您也可以嘗試將苦蘋果噴劑塗抹在電線上,但請少量塗抹,因為攝入過多精油可能會讓貓咪想吐。


14. 在貓砂盆外排便



有時候,貓咪在貓砂盆外排便,是表明牠有健康問題,諸如泌尿道感染 (UTI)。您的獸醫可以採集牠們的尿液樣本,以確認是否有健康問題需要解決。行為問題是貓咪不使用貓砂盆的另一個常見原因。這可能是因為牠察覺到還有其牠貓咪在自己的領地內,或者是牠們在精神/身體上無法獲得自己所偏好的那種刺激感。

15. 踩奶



16 吃草


17. 磨蹭



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