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[View Powwow Report] powwow: Queens University, School of Languages

September 30, 2009, 4:00 pm
ВеликобританияBelfastIn personголландский
To mark International Translation Day, Betwixt and Between - the Research Forum in Translation and Cultural Encounter at Queen’s is hosting a wine reception to celebrate translation and intercultural relations.
The reception will also feature music from The Motion Project, a multicultural music collective working to address racism, sectarianism and prejudice in NI. The event will be recorded for radio broadcast by the inter(net)cultural station Homely Planet.

4pm, Wed. 30 Sept.

Drama and Film Centre,
20 University Square, Belfast

Not the usual powwow but a good chance to meet up.
Hope to see you there!

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Interested members (9) / Confirmed: 4 / Tentative: 1
Name NoteWill Attend
Laura Morwood  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" Found a childminder - thank goodness.  y
Maaike van Vlijmen   I just got a lot of work - I will try to make it!  m
Mayella Almazan   See you there!  y
Nora Mahony  \"Photographer\" I'd love to come up from Dublin – will have to see how I'm set for deadlines. :)  
Marianne Wasson   See you there ;-)  y
Graham Higgin   I'll be wearing a pink carnation and carrying an umbrella  
XMel Fraser (X)   My apologies - unable to make it after all  n
Gabrielle Weatherhead   I'll be there :-)  y
Sandra García Alonso   I would like to go but I am in Spain at the moment. I am very interested in taking a practical training in Belfast. I would like to know any agency that could help me. Please, let me know if you find out of anything. Thanks. Enjoy!!!  

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