Member since Apr '09

Audio Greeting

Working languages:
English to Macedonian
Macedonian to English
Spanish to Macedonian
Macedonian to Spanish
Italian to Macedonian

Availability today:

March 2025

Milena Chkripeska
Sound as a pound service

Prilep, Prilep, North Macedonia
Local time: 21:11 CET (GMT+1)

Native in: Macedonian 
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306 positive reviews
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12 ratings (5.00 avg. rating)

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Are you looking for a qualified, versatile, superb, thorough, expeditious, reliable and avid interpreter and translator who meets every rush deadline with ease? You are on the right frequency!

Enjoy the combination of exceptional quality and highly professional service provided by someone who dots all the i's and crosses all the t's. 

- Professional translation, interpreting, and proofreading/editing service for several language pairs, and also top quality translations from English into Spanish proofed by a professional proofreader/editor and professional reader for scientific and technical texts. 

- PhD degree in Language, Discourse and Communication from the Universad Autónoma de Madrid - Doctoral Program in Philosophy and Language Sciences

- Master's degree in European Studies from the Centre international de formation européenne - Berlin in cooperation with the Jean Monnet Chair of the University of Cologne

- Bachelor's degree in Interpreting and Translation (English, French, Macedonian) from the Faculty of Philology (Department of Translation and Interpreting), University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia

- Certified translator and member of the team for translation of the national version of Acquis communautaire

- Former junior teaching assistant at the Faculty of Law and Faculty of Philology (Department of Translation and Interpreting) in Skopje, teaching English for Special Purposes (ESP) - Legal, Political, Economic and Medical English

- Four-time winner of translation contests

- Digital nomad

- Also a passionate runner (3:11 marathoner), former 10 km road race national record holder and half marathon national record holder; University champion of Catalonia in half marathon and marathon in 2015/16 and University champion of Catalonia in half marathon in 2017/2018, University runner-up of Catalonia in half marathon in 2018/2019; Best university athlete of Catalonia in the category 'half marathon' for 2017.  

Please contact me by e-mail at or (preferred contact method), by Skype (milena.ckripeska) or on the following numbers: +34 651 608 210 and +389 71 648 194. I use Whatsapp and Viber as well. 

This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided.

Total pts earned: 2172
PRO-level pts: 2107

Top languages (PRO)
English to Macedonian1285
Macedonian to English563
Macedonian to Italian67
Serbo-Croat to English44
Croatian to Italian40
Pts in 8 more pairs >
Top general fields (PRO)
Pts in 4 more flds >
Top specific fields (PRO)
Construction / Civil Engineering885
Law (general)152
Business/Commerce (general)84
Law: Contract(s)70
Finance (general)66
Medical (general)64
Pts in 55 more flds >

See all points earned >
Keywords: Conference interpreter, translator, interpreter, EU affairs, economics, politics, law, legal english, political english, medical english. See more.Conference interpreter, translator, interpreter, EU affairs, economics, politics, law, legal english, political english, medical english, consecutive interpreting, simultaneous interpreting, written translation, CAT tools, Wordfast, Macedonian, English, Serbo-Croatian, Bosnian, professional, acquis communautaire, microbiology, ISO standards, on time delivery, top quality, sworn translator, certified translation, Department of Translation and Interpreting, консекутивно толкување, симултано толкување, преведувач, толкувач, писмен превод, конференциско толкување, ЕУ терминологија, правна терминологија, економска терминологија, медицинска терминологија, микробиологија, ИСО стандарди, политичка терминологија, ефикасност, efficient, effective, reliable, detail-oriented, thorough, experienced, avid, консекутивен, консекутивен превод, симултан, симултан превод, писмен превод, simultan, simultano, simultano tolkuvanje simultan prevod, konsekutiven, konsekutivno, konsekutiven prevod, konsekutivno tolkuvanje, pismen prevod, consecutive, simultaneous, conference, conference interpreting, конференциско, конференциско толкување, судски преведувач, судски превод, судски преводи, subtitling, subtitles, титлување, титлер, Милена, Чкрипеска, Ckripeska, Chkripeska, Milena, Čkripeska, Милена Чкрипеска, Milena Čkripeska, Milena Chkripeska, Milena Ckripeska, Катедра за преведување и толкување, ПиТ, PiT. See less.

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